Green goodness
Sublime; pineapple mint juice; Nekter

About to drop dead from heat exhaustion? Green juice to the rescue! Sure, green juices have become trendy, but reality is what it is: Your body needs hydration and nutrients on a hot day. Why not get them both in one efficient package? Enter Nekter Juice Bar, with locations in both Midtown and Roseville. Of particular note is the Sublime ($6.60-$10.60, depending on size), a frosty cup of refreshment with lime, orange, parsley, kale, spinach and cucumber. It’s green-tasting, but not overly so. Looking for a lighter, fruitier drink? Check out the uber-fresh pineapple mint juice ($6.60-$10.60), an explosion of mouth-puckering tropical acidity with pineapple, green apple, lime and a little mint for extra, “Aaaaaaah …” 1050 20th Street,