Great minds collide

Staring contest: Go!
photo by Amir Sharafeh
Celebration Arts marks Black History Month with The Meeting, a drama depicting a fictitious 1965 meeting between civil rights icons Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. The two are considered by many to be diametric opposites: King was a Christian and a preacher of nonviolence, and Malcolm X converted to Islam and espoused a by-any-means-necessary approach in seeking racial equality. Romann Hodge plays Dr. King, James R. Ellison plays Malcom X and Ray Garner plays Rashad, Malcom X’s bodyguard, in this drama that has much to say about our society, past and present. 7 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday; $13-$15. Celebration Arts, 4469 D Street; (916) 455-2787;