Go climb a mountain

These trees don’t look like the hugging kind.
Thirty minutes of stuffing your belly with bird, mashed taters and sweet bread on Thanksgiving will require at least six hours of exercise to burn those calories. Well, unless you take a pill that promises to “melt the fat off”; then it’ll take twice a long to burn turkey-day calories because those pills make people twice as lazy. You have to actually work it, Biggest Loser-style. It just so happens that there will be a six-hour guided hike Saturday, November 28 in the Sutter Buttes. The Ridge Walker Delight hike is a difficult (level five of five) hike up the Sutter Butte volcano, but it’s also educational and calming. Guides will offer information about Sutter Butte history, geology and biology, and the stunning views and fresh air will make you want to hug a tree. Just make sure it’s not prickly or sappy.