Give big for Big DOG
Thursday, May 3, 7 a.m., throughout Sac

Laugh, love, donate.
PHOTO courtesy of vasey coman
Depending on how you celebrate this year’s Big DOG, there may or may not be canines involved. What is guaranteed? When you get out to one of the dozens of Big Day of Giving events, you’ll meet those working to make Sacramento a better place. Organized by the Sacramento Region Community Foundation, the 24-hour online giving challenge has become the largest day for philanthropy in the region. Whether you support young writers, your neighbors experiencing homelessness or, yes, dogs, plenty of organizations need your help. Special shout out to the group of nonprofits at 909 12th Street, like Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates and 350 Sacramento, working to combat climate change. Be sure to bike to their party (time and location above) and support that effort.