Get down, blues style

Elvin Bishop knows the blues.

Elvin Bishop knows the blues.

Auburn Recreation District’s Regional Park

3770 Richardson Dr.
Auburn, CA 95602

(530) 885-8461

There is something about a good blues show that makes the heart pound, toes tap and hips sway. Sure, the lyrics may be melancholy and downtrodden, but the music itself is kind of empowering. Plus, blues offers timeless wisdom, such as “Keep a Dollar in Your Pocket” (by Elvin Bishop), and “Drinking Straight Tequila” can ease the pain of heartbreak (from Chris Cain). Who knew? The Northern California Blues Festival will feature awesome grooves and insight from blues musicians. There will be performances by Volker Strifler, Dennis Jones, Kaye Bohler, Chris Cain, Sacramento Blues Revue, Zac Harmon and Elvin Bishop. There also will be a kids zone and food vendors. Yes, it’s a family-friendly event. So parents can expose their children to real music—not those homogenous pop songs that dominate the industry today.

Northern California Blues Festival is Saturday, August 7, from noon to 10 p.m.; $25 in advance, $30 at the gate; $5 for children 12 and under. Auburn Recreation District’s Regional Park, 3770 Richardson Drive in Auburn;