Funny and true

“Yeah, that’s a stripper pole behind me.”
Photo by jesse grant
Often times, especially with observational humor, jokes come from uncovering unexpected hidden truths within true stories. That's what comedian and actor Ari Shaffir's Comedy Central series This Is Not Happening (Thursdays at 12:30 a.m.) is all about: Shaffir and other comedians (which have included Keegan-Michael Key, Marc Maron and Rob Corddry) talk about crazy, embarrassing and nasty stories in a Los Angeles strip club. Shaffir brings his wit and humorous storytelling to Sacramento for a weekend headlining the Punch Line. Check out his podcast The Skeptic Tank, which features humorous interviews with everyone from comedians to prostitutes. You can also find him in a sketch comedy film currently on Netflix, 2013's InAPPropriate Comedy, in which he indeed tells a lot of inappropriate jokes in a segment called “The Amazing Racist.” Ari Shaffir, 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday; 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday; $18.50-$23.50. Punch Line Comedy Club, 2100 Arden Way;