Friendly fighters

Tap gloves. It’s fight time.
Liquid Night Club
7942 Arcadia Dr.Citrus Heights, CA 95610
Ever wanted to see a cop get beat up? Maybe you’ve thought about it after a speeding ticket but just never admitted it. Now’s your chance—but in a totally legit kind of way. The first in a series of friendly fights, this weekend’s Battle of the Badges serves up 13 amateur boxing fights featuring peace officers, fire fighters and military personnel duking it out for charity. Now in its eighth season, the organization raises money for organizations such as the Firefighters Burn Institute. Tickets are $20.
Rest assured, though similarly named, this isn’t the same as a Badge vs. Badge fight. In May 2010, one of the Badge vs. Badge bouts spilled into the stands after the winning boxer taunted the losing cop’s buddies into a near scuffle. And though the fight will happen at Citrus Heights’ Liquid Nightclub, there will be plenty of peace officers present, lest you fear anything getting out of control.
Battle of the Badges happens Saturday, August 20, at 5 p.m., at Liquid Nightclub, 7942 Arcadia Drive in Citrus Heights. For more information, visit