Fri, Oct 2, J.R. Richards

Marilyn’s on K, 7:30 p.m., $12

Dishwalla’s “Counting Blue Cars” was the epitome of alt rock that ruled radio in the mid- to late ’90s. Now, lead singer J.R. Richards has done the frontman thing and embarked on a solo career. His digital album A Beautiful End maintains that alt-rock foundation, but adds the slash-genre sound that is the late oughts. You know, alternative-slash-classical-slash-acoustic-slash-rock ballad? I’m waiting to hear “June Becomes July” on the next season of American Idol. Until then, catch Richards’ acoustic show at Marilyn’s on K this Friday. It’s also a double-feature show with Scott Ivey Band, the Crazy Harris Band and JetSet Society. 908 K Street,