Fri, Nov 13, Loch Lomond
Luigi’s Fun Garden, 8 p.m., $6

If “ye’ll tak’ the high road and I’ll tak’ the low road,” then ye’ll be singing the words of “Loch Lomond,” a Scottish folk song. But if “the sounds of children laughing makes my eyes bleed” crosses your lips, you’re singing a song of Loch Lomond, a Portland-based band, which also shares its appellation with the largest freshwater lake in Scotland, and has a sound that’s like a beautifully orchestrated hybrid of the delicacies of Belle and Sebastian (yep, also from Scotland) and the emotional vigor of Neutral Milk Hotel. Loch Lomond’s indie-Celtic iteration of enthralling chamber pop sounds dreamy, dramatic and just plain bonny … like the shores of a certain lake. 1050 20th Street,