Fri., June 28, Groovincible
Blue Lamp, 9 p.m., $7

Photo by Fred Jennings
Local band Groovincible isn't just going through the motions playing the same-old tired dance tunes. In fact, its name is short for “grooving, interesting, danceable music.” It mixes a bit of jazz, soul and psychedelic influences all with a smooth edge—like a softer, funkier Morcheeba. The trio started out as members of the Sacramento group Zuhg, but quit to start Groovincible. Singer Bianca Wright has a sultry voice that might be something you'd hear at a smoky jazz club, yet there's nothing retro about her. She brings flair to the band's light-as-a-feather grooves. The music is so cool, you don't necessarily need to dance to it—it's good for just kicking back. 1400 Alhambra Boulevard,