Fri., Jan. 25, the Tipsy Hustlers
Blue Lamp, 9:30 p.m., call for cover

The Tipsy Hustlers hoot and holler with a lot of joy. Their track “Remember the Good Times” has to be the most fun anyone's ever had playing a rock song. People just don't make songs this unabashed and excited anymore. The band has that odd combination of feel-good rock 'n' roll and blues that the Fabulous Thunderbirds made famous in the '80s with songs like “Tuff Enuff” and “Wrap it Up”—with a bit of Foreigner thrown into the mix. The Tipsy Hustlers is the kind of band that is all too rare now, mixing funk, soul, blues and hard rock, and making it a party. 1400 Alhambra Boulevard, (916) 455-3400,