Fri, Dec 11, Appetite

Luigi’s Fun Garden, 8 p.m., $5

Luigi’s Slice and Fun Garden

1050 20th St.
Sacramento, CA 95814

(916) 552-0317

My first encounter with What’s Up?’s Teddy Briggs new band, Appetite, was via local videographer Sean Stout’s excellent music video, which featured Briggs on guitar and Jen Grady on stand-up bass at local readery Beer’s Books. The duo played a moody folk ditty with a wandering, arpeggio-guitar lead and a droning string-bass harmony—super mellow, very catchy. And Briggs’ vocals were soft and sweet, complementing the clunky and eerie string composition—which crescendos nicely in the song’s outro. Too bad I don’t know the track’s title. Sigh. Appetite opens for Ellie Fortune, with Cozy Cullers playing first. 1050 20th Street,