Fri., Aug. 23, Melvins
Ace of Spades, 7:30 p.m., $18

They're consummate weirdos responsible for popularizing a sludgy punk-grind sound (think Black Sabbath at half-speed) and inspiring fellow Aberdeen, Wash., resident Kurt Cobain. Though the Melvins explore different styles, for three decades, ominous down-tempo throb has remained the group's calling card. Even at slow tempos, there's a clamorous intensity to the band's music, reminiscent of Swans and Butthole Surfers. Behind the musical brutality hides a caustic wit, particularly evident on the cover of Merle Haggard's “Okie From Muskogee.” The group's latest album, Everyone Loves Sausage, is nothing but covers, including an explosive take on Ram Jam's “Black Betty” and a saccharine version of Queen's “You're My Best Friend.” 1417 R Street,