France or Texas?
Les Précieuses Ridicules/Them Ridiculous Little Ladies

The French first half is fascinating, if occasionally problematic. The 11 community actors, not all of whom are fluent speakers, have been coached by members of the Alliance Française de Sacramento, which co-produced the show. Reading the synopsis in the playbill tells you most of what you need to know to enjoy the show. Reading the entire script (in French, or in translation) is even better preparation. James Anderson—as the flamboyant, wannabe poet Mascarille—hesitated over a few lines but recovered.
The Texas reprise is a hoot! The same actors are in the same roles, but with a Lone Star twist. Tatar’s acquitted himself quite honorably in occasional Western roles throughout the years, and he does very well here as George E. Buss (from Molière’s Gorgibus).