Food Stuff

Illustration By Marianne Mancina
Usually in this space, I discuss some little treat I’ve tasted in the course of the week, but as I was writing, thousands were still stranded in the Louisiana Superdome, and our government was defending its utterly inept response to the crisis by saying that each has received at least one meal a day. The thought took away my appetite for discovering a new kind of cookie. Sadder still is the fact that all these thousands will still be hungry for weeks and months after they’ve been bused elsewhere and New Orleans has gotten on with the grim business of draining the city and counting the dead. This column takes the continuing availability of food for granted; the impoverished people displaced by Hurricane Katrina don’t have that luxury. If you can spare a few dollars, help feed storm victims by donating to America’s Second Harvest, the American Red Cross or another aid organization. You can find many, and donate money, via the helpful Network for Good at