Food Stuff

Illustration By Marianne Mancina
It is difficult to find an available treadmill at local athletic clubs in January, when their ranks are swollen with newly resolute members. But let’s be honest: Most resolutions melt away faster than waistline inches. If you find your resolve heading south, at least make the indulgence worthwhile, such as with a burger at Nationwide Meats. We consider Nationwide’s French steakburger to be among the best in the city. Owner John Gonzales, following in his late father’s footsteps, grinds Harris Ranch beef, forms a one-third-pound patty, grills it to order and sets it atop a Muzio French roll. Your taste buds will recognize the quality right away. The fries are unique: A large russet potato is sliced into four fat wedges and deep-fried, producing a flaky texture similar to that of a baked potato. It is all very difficult to resist, but try to hang in there for at least a few weeks longer. 1930 H Street, (916) 444-3286.