Food Stuff

Illustration By Marianne Mancina
“There are two things you don’t want to see being made: sausage and legislation,” said Otto von Bismarck, former chancellor of Germany. Perhaps the crop of new legislators sworn in last week should pay a visit to to better appreciate von Bismarck’s famous adage. Actually, that would be an insult to Morant’s owner Dirk Muller, who completed five years of German training to become a certified master sausage maker. Morant’s offers all manner of sandwiches and smoked meats, as well as umpteen varieties of fresh, pre-cooked or smoked sausages. Morant’s does not limit itself to German cuisine, either. The kitchen also prepares Irish-style bacon, Louisiana hot sausage and Mexican chorizo. Morant’s will accommodate hunters who bring in wild game for processing, and perhaps will even offer advice to new legislators who need help moving their bills through the Capitol. 5001 Franklin Boulevard, (916) 731-4377.