Food Stuff

Illustration By Marianne Mancina
Germans are among the world’s heartiest beer drinkers, as evidenced by their huge liter-sized mugs delivered by broad-shouldered barmaids. You can get a taste of the German hofbrau experience at Sudwerk Restaurant and Brewery in Davis. Sudwerk brews award-winning märzen, helles, Pilsener and hefeweizen to the exacting standards of the 1516 German purity law, the Reinheitsgebot. You may feel like a sissy for ordering anything less than a one-liter pour, served up in an authentic dimpled glass mug. Although Sudwerk has worked hard to create a genuine German dining experience by serving schnitzel, sausage and goulash, there have been concessions to the California palate (like the turkey burger and the portobello-mushroom sandwich). One other difference: We’d bet our money on the German barmaid if she had an arm-wrestling match with her Sudwerk counterpart. 2001 Second Street in Davis, (530) 758-8700,