Food Stuff

Illustration By Conrad Garcia
When a beloved business is bought by a new owner, the customers get nervous. Will the new boss screw up what made the old place special? Marysville residents, who have enjoyed since 1954, have nothing to worry about. When Ethel Padgett recently acquired the store from the founder, 92-year-old Irene McIntosh, Padgett seemed committed not to get sacrilegious with a local institution. So far, the caramel turtles have held strictly to the formula that makes them a house specialty. The fresh marshmallow chews surrender easily to the bite. The almond chews still crunch with whole, toasted nuts. Even the charmingly retro boxes, which feature a 1950s-style illustration like something from a children’s book, are sticking around. Sold under the name “Little Farmhouse Candies,” these confections are a good choice for those who appreciate a quality, handcrafted, time-honored gift. 415 D Street in Marysville, (530) 742-3124.