Food Stuff

Illustration By Conrad Garcia
Think of everything a mother has to do. Start with nine months as a mobile gestation laboratory that culminate in what is often a physically painful childbirth. Then there are the stinky diapers, “terrible 2s,” skinned knees and adolescent tantrums. And for all this, we give her one measly day on the calendar? The least we can do is make that day special, perhaps with a treat from Kobasic’s Candies. This local, family-owned shop produces, by hand, dark chocolate truffles, chocolate-covered Oreos, saltwater taffy, dense fudge, nut brittles and seasonal specialties. We went nuts over the caramel nut clusters: roasted, lightly salted nuts bound together with caramel and covered with dark chocolate. Compared with See’s, we’d say that Kobasic’s offers higher quality for the price, and the freshness is palpable. Giving Mom something from Kobasic’s would be a small but welcome gesture for services unconditionally rendered. 5324 Riverside Boulevard, (916) 448-3555,