Food Stuff

Illustration By Conrad Garcia
Our city has had some success in luring chain restaurants to the banks of the Sacramento River, which is all well and good. But, when friends come to town, and you want to show them the real Sacramento, you won’t go to the chain. You’ll head to the Virgin Sturgeon. Like any good local hangout, the Sturge is unique and exudes a sense of place. The floating barge is accessible either from the recycled airport jetway via Garden Highway, or from the dock for those arriving from the river. The interior is rustic wood, and the mood is relaxed like the river’s flow. The menu is serviceable if unmemorable, although the place does serve a decent plate of house-smoked sturgeon or salmon. Order that with a cold beverage, watch the sunlight sparkle on the water, catch a breeze coming up from the Delta and enjoy a very Sacramento experience. 1577 Garden Highway, 921-2694.