Food photo laws

illustration by MARK STIVERS
While I was at dinner last week, someone decided to start taking photographs of her meal. It was dark outside by this point, and the light was incredibly dim. All and all, it was a poor photography environment. Nonetheless, this lady decided to stand on her chair to get an overhead shot and blasted her food, and the rest of the diners, with her flash. This woman is a prime example of an inconsiderate dipshit who doesn’t know what she’s doing.
Here are some basics of restaurant photography: First, let the restaurant staff know that you plan to take photos, or ask permission. It’s just polite. Second, no flash. Ever. It’s rude, and the flash will make your food pictures suck due to the harsh light and shadows. Third, put your camera on a glass for an instant tripod if needed to cut down on blur, and ask to sit near a window for natural light. You might also use white napkins to diffuse and/or bounce light. This will soften your pictures and give them an airy feel. Fourth, don’t annoy your dining companions.
And finally, don’t let your food get cold. Otherwise, what’s the point?