Food for thought on the big screen

Illustration by TK
Is What the Health the new cinematic last straw convincing omnivores to ditch eating the flesh and milk of animals? The documentary, recently released on Netflix, is about the connection between eating animal products and disease and how the food, pharmaceutical and health-care industries bank on it. Sol Collective will be screening What the Health on Wednesday, August 16, at 6 p.m. as part of its weekly Sac Activist School program. The documentary comes at a time when people’s distrust of corporations and government heads has moved millions into the streets to call for justice. What could be more defiant than shutting down industries that not only exploit animals, but also the environment and people’s health—by not giving them another dollar? It’s food for thought. Sol Collective is located at 2574 21st St., and there is a suggested donation of $5 for the screening and snacks. Vegan snacks, of course.