Flying saucer lock and load

Kim Scott, “Rays,” acrylic on plywood panel, 2002.
“A young female dreams of potted meat,” reads the legend on one garish cartoony painting by Stephanie Skalisky. Another carries the title “JoJo the Squish Face Fish Boy.” And “Little Baby Dimples” looks like something one might run into after mixing a petroleum ether binge with Roy Orbison records. Across the room, leering faces—many of them unfamiliar variations of artist Kim Scott’s, or skulls, or alien heads—beckon from the wall; many of these are done up in lurid black-light paint. Welcome to Genetic Mishaps Meet Carnival Sideshow, a dandy exhibition of more than 300 pieces by Skalisky and Scott, two of the more intriguing and entertaining artists on the local scene, at the Toyroom Gallery this weekend. No, it isn’t quite Halloween yet, but this show will get you in the proper mood. It’ll be up from 6:30 p.m. until “late” on Friday and Saturday, October 18 and 19, at the gallery, located in the alley behind 2419 2nd Avenue.