FLOWER REVIEW: Doja Exclusive 916 Bacio Gelato
A flavorful mix of mind and body highs

Doja Exclusive 916 Bacio Gelato
Photo by Anne Stokes
In the world of scoop-able gelato, the Bacio Gelato flavor is a delicious combination of chocolate and hazelnut. But in the world of smoke-able Gelato, the Bacio Gelato strain (also frequently referred to as Gelato #41) is a high-THC hybrid strain from the “Cookies” family, and although the still-delicious flavor has a dessert-like sweetness, it doesn’t taste anything like chocolate and hazelnut.
The extremely dense Bacio Gelato buds grown and distributed by Doja Exclusive 916, a cannabis delivery service based in the Arden-Arcade neighborhood, are dark green with copper-colored pistils and come utterly coated in glittery trichomes. They emit an aroma that is enticing beyond belief, a beckoning mix of lemons, sugar cookies, berries and frosting, and those fruity cake characteristics carry forward to the flavor.
Like just about every member of the cookies flavor, this strain is sweet ambrosia to veterans — a flavorful and potent mix of mind and body highs — but it should be approached with caution by newbies and low-tolerance lightweights. For my part, I felt buzzed but alert, undoubtedly stoned but far from incapacitated, making Bacio Gelato a solid strain for day or night use.
Speaking of night use, Doja Exclusive 916 operates until 1 a.m. every night of the week, a refreshing change from the “square hours” that most dispensaries and delivery services keep. The Doja Exclusive menu is relatively small — there were only eight different options available on the day that I checked, all hybrid strains — but they also sell edibles and extracts.
<div class="star-rating"> Price: $45 for 1/8 oz. </div> <div class="star-rating"> Uses: Sleeplessness, tension, pain </div> <div class="star-rating"> Pros: A delicious mix of mind and body highs perfect for high-tolerance smokers. </div> <div class="star-rating"> Cons: This potent strain should be approached with caution by low-tolerance newcomers. </div>