Finding the old groove

JND, live and direct from San Louie O.
Returning to my native San Luis Obispo for a long weekend visit last month, I scanned the live music scene and found serendipity. My favorite local band—Jive ’N Direct, now known as just JND—was playing Mother’s Tavern that night. How many nights had I spent dancing my ass off to JND’s groovy, jazz-inflected funk and rock, mesmerized by ultra-hip Damon Castillo’s smooth crooning, or bopping out to a Larry Kim sax solo?
It was the closest I’d ever come to being a groupie, and JND was long hailed as the SLO band with the best shot at making it big. But a series of tragedies—including losing bassist Matt Taylor to a bout with cancer, and Castillo’s own medical problems—have slowed its ascent. The show at Mother’s was the band’s big return, celebrating the long-awaited release of its third CD. And lemme tell ya, those guys rocked the house! Sick solos, tight turns, infectious new material and a sweaty, smiling crowd. 10 p.m. Thursday, May 2, JND will be at Harlow’s, 2708 J St.; cover’s $6. ’Nuff said. See you there.