Finding film-o

Festival founders Nick Prueher and Joe Pickett.
Guild Theatre
2828 35th St.Sacramento, CA 95817
While a deluge of comedic film clips can already be viewed on YouTube, Funny or Die and FailBlog, some footage still needs to be found. That’s where Nick Prueher and Joe Pickett excel. The pair, whose credits include the Late Show with David Letterman and The Onion, created the Found Footage Festival, consisting of old VHS footage from thrift stores, garage sales and Dumpsters. Since its inception in 2004, the festival and its founders have traveled across the United States and Canada, showing everything from instructional dance videos to embarrassing and obscure home videos. This weekend, the festival debuts its brand-new show at the Guild Theater. Among newly found clips are a collection of haunting ventriloquism videos, footage from a debaucherous weekend in Florida, and exercise videos featuring Cher, Lyle Alzado and the American Gladiators. Preceding the festival, there will also be a screening of the cult documentary Heavy Metal Parking Lot, which depicts tailgaters outside a Judas Priest concert in 1986. The Found Footage Festival is presented by Movies on a Big Screen at the Guild Theater, 2828 35th Street, Sunday, March 6, at 8 p.m. Tickets cost $10. More information can be found at