Fat Pig

The title is deliberately provocative—and yes, this show is about a big woman, who meets a slim man. They strike up a conversation, and later a relationship. Which proves difficult, because people talk. Helen (actress Christin O’Cuddehy, in an excellent performance) deals with the doubts of her boyfriend Tom (Shaun Carroll) deftly, and with good humor. The problems arise at the office, where Tom’s mischievous friend (Michael Wiles), and sorta-girlfriend (Katherine C. Miller), give him grief. Director Stephanie Gularte and the solid cast lay out the story with simplicity and emotional candor. Playwright Neil LaBute draws an all-too-recognizable portrait of everyday people who can say (and do) cruel things. It’s an absorbing, troubling, socially significant play, running 1 hour 40 minutes with no intermission.
Capital Stage, 8 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays, 7 p.m. Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays; $20-$24. Aboard the Riverboat Delta King, 1000 Front St.; (916) 995-5464; www.deltaking.com/theatre.html. Through July 29.