Fact or Fable? Cryptozoology at Sierra College Natural History Museum
Saturday, January 4, 10am, Sierra College Natural History Museum, no cover

Is the Loch Ness Monster real? Is it journalistically irresponsible to even pose that question?
Few myths are quite as persistent as the famous cryptozoological marvels—Bigfoot, yeti, the Loch Ness Monster. This Free First Saturday event at Sierra College Natural History Museum examines the many mysterious animals that humans think they’ve seen—and debunks them. You’ll hear why jackalopes, mermaids, chupacabras and more are not actual things, and you’ll have fun doing it. There will be activities including a Nessie-designing session, monster track-making and other themed crafts. Plus, there will be snacks with monster themes: “Yeti spaghetti with a ‘Big Foot’ meatball.” Look forward to that, bring a friend who could use a dose of skepticism and look around the museum while you’re at it. 5100 Sierra College Blvd., sierracollege.edu/events.