
Love me some Rude Bear.
Music writers typically like to lead off stories about the Twelves, electronic-dance Brazilian duo João Miguel and Luciano Oliveira, by noting that the deejays were born on the same day: July 12, 1980. Hence the name. I would never be so predictable; instead, I’d probably spend some 150 words espousing the virtues of Latin American electro: deep, pitch-shifting synths; indie backbeats that suck away the sucky disco elements; dissonant key intros that break off into quarter-beat grinds. OK, not very original. But it comes from the heart, yeah. And then I’d cop to the fact that I’m no dance-music scribe. So, ultimately, I’d direct your attention to Twelves’ Thursday night set at Mix Downtown: the kind of show that Sac typically would never see, but now does, thanks to Bravado. Pay. Your. Respects.