Eight Gigs: Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue
Fri., Oct. 23, 8 p.m., El Dorado County Fairgrounds, $70-$220.50

Celebrate Halloween early with New Orleans favorite Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue, headliner at the fifth annual Hangtown Halloween Ball. Equal parts funk, jazz and hip-hop, the band is a dance party-guarantee—make sure you're free to groove in whatever costume you choose. Hangtownfeels like High Sierra Music Festival's little sibling, with a similarly festive, laid-back and family-friendly vibe. The lineup leans toward rootsy jams, but maintains diversity: Railroad Earth, Beats Antique, Yonder Mountain String Band, Lettuce and many more will perform over the four-day period. 100 Placerville Drive in Placerville, http://hangtownhalloween.com.