Eight Gigs: Tey Yaniis
Fri., Aug. 26, 8 p.m., Shine, $15

With warm, soulful vocals and a quick-hit delivery that veers into hip-hop territory, the debut full-length from Tey Yaniis delivers serious smoothness. It seemed like the local R&B singer-songwriter was working on The Soul Jones Collection for forever, but he quietly started handing out copies earlier this year. Now, it’s time for the big splash—and to party. Celebrate with Yaniis and his band, along with Miss Mouthpeace and Ms. Lovely, for a night he’s calling “the Soul Jones Experience.” Then, look forward to more new music: Yaniis is already busy working on an EP, set for a fall release. 1400 E Street, www.facebook.com/teontowers.