Eight Gigs: Shanna Sordahl
Fri., Feb. 13, 8 p.m., Gold Lion Arts, $10-$15

Cellist extraordinaire Shanna Sordahl will be joining Gold Lion Arts as part of the Ma Series, which highlights female composers, educators, improvisers and performing artists that largely fly under the radar. For the uninitiated, Sordahl is a skilled artist living in the East Bay who has earned considerable accolades from her alma mater, Mills College. Additionally, she is a skilled live and studio sound engineer who also teaches a class at Ex'pression College in Emeryville for people looking into learning about interactive audio. She makes a rare Sacramento appearance alongside Sharmi Basu and Shani Aviram who are also on this bill (which Sordahl will also curate). 2733 Riverside Boulevard, www.shannasordahl.net.