Eight Gigs: Punk Rock Coat Drive
Sun., Dec. 27, The Blue Lamp, 7 p.m., $3-$5

You know what’s super punk rock? Taking one of your extra and/or old coats and being like, “IDGAF! I am going to give you to a needy individual because it’s pretty cold outside!” Slutzville will be cruising into town from Grass Valley, sharing the stage with local punk bands Kill the Cute (pictured), the Moans and the Rollin’ Blackouts for a night of live music for a good cause. Comedian Jason James will also be there making some jokes. Bring a coat (come on, you can’t go and not bring a coat) and get $2 off the cover charge. 1400 Alhambra Boulevard, www.bluelampsacramento.com.