Eight Gigs: Pinback
Sat., Feb. 4, 7 p.m., Ace of Spades, $22-$27

Goblin Cock. Snotnose. Optiganally Yours. Cthugha. These are not random nonsense words—they are actual bands headed up by the insanely prolific Rob Crow. The list is so long, even he probably couldn’t recall every band he’s started. His best—and most well known—is Pinback. The reason is simple. With Pinback, Crow’s quirky songwriting is tempered with the prog-emo bass chops of Zach Smith, who riffs out on his bass like a guitar. The blend creates sublime pop that even the geekiest of music nerds can enjoy guilt-free. Local comic extraordinaire Johnny Taylor Jr. opens the show. 1417 R Street, www.pinback.com.