Eight Gigs: Odd Future
Tues., June 16, Odd Future, 6:30 p.m., Harlow’s Restaurant & Nightclub, $20-$25

Is Odd Future underground or mainstream rap? That's actually a tough question to answer. When the collective first emerged a decade ago, it was rapping over some surreal, next-level beats and brought a strange sense of humor to its lyrics. In no time, OF had a significant influence on mainstream rap—with some of the group's rappers becoming part of it. But it never lost sight of its weird vision, and still released some cutting edge records like Earl Sweatshirt's recent I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside. Odd Future also still fosters new creative talent. This tour features Mike G, Left Brain, Speak, Bizarre, Pyramid Vritra and Mind Gone Larry. 2708 J Street, www.oddfuture.com.