Eight Gigs: Nightingales
Wed., Sept. 9, 8 p.m., Starlite Lounge, $6-$8

photo by anthony john sayer
The late '70s post-punk movement was less about genre and more about bringing a spirit of experimentation and adventure to the music. One of the lesser-known groups from this era was the Nightingales, who between 1979 and 1996 jumped all over the place under the banner of “dissonant pop.” They re-formed in 2004, and since they never had a significant fan base or much in the way of rules governing their sound, they've emerged as a fresh creative force rather than a trip through the nostalgic '80s underground. The latest record, Mind Over Matter, is a baffling, eclectic, danceable alt-rock affair. 1517 21st Street, http://thenightingales.org.uk.