Eight Gigs: Murderlicious
Tues., Jan. 27, 9 p.m., Blue Lamp, call for cover

Choosing to call your band “Murderlicious” demonstrates a lot of confidence in how brutal you believe your group to be. In the case of Murderlicious, extremely brutal is exactly right. It's not just the moody, dark, death-metal meets thrash-metal riffs; it's everything about the foursome. Just look at some Facebook status updates: “Happy New Year, we are looking forward to killing you some more this year” and “I missed killing people and eating their bodies.” The group members also have been around a while in our scene, and are quite talented. They mix in a lot of subtle elements like hardcore, rock, fusion and even indie into their music. 1400 Alhambra Boulevard; (916) 455-3400; http://tinyurl.com/murderlicious.