Eight Gigs: Mickey Avalon & Dirt Nasty
Fri., Feb. 12, 7 p.m., Ace of Spades, $25

Back before Mickey Avalon wanted to see you do the Jane Fonda, he was part of the hip-hop four-piece Dyslexic Speedreaders along with former MTV veejay Simon Rex, a.k.a. Dirt Nasty, detailing sex, drugs and rock ’n’ roll. After a falling out circa 2010, Avalon struck out on his own, seeing success with such memorable hits as “My Dick.” But last fall, the longtime friends reunited and marked this special reconciliation with the single “Netflix and Chill.” Expect the duo to keep on keepin’ on with its special brand of nothing-is-out-of-bounds, are-these-guys-for-real lyrics and the infectious dance-party vibes. 1417 R Street, www.mickeyavalon.com.