Eight Gigs: Lucinda Williams
Fri., Jan. 27, 7:30 p.m., Crest Theatre, $35-$55

It’s really not hyperbole to say that Lucinda Williams might be the coolest ever. A voice made to hurt. Those poignant turns of phrase (no wonder, considering Flannery O’Connor was a friend of her poet father’s). That I-don’t-give-a-care style achieved only by someone who really doesn’t give a care. She’s presently on tour with Chuck Prophet in support of last year’s The Ghosts of Highway 20, a road-weary, rambling ode to Williams’ 35-year career spent traversing the country. She’s a master storyteller perhaps at the peak of her powers; this show is not to be missed. 1013 K Street, http://lucindawilliams.com.