Eight Gigs: Lite Brite
Sat., Nov. 20, Lite Brite, Blue Lamp, 8 p.m., call for cover

With the threat of legal action from the Mattel Corporation hanging over their heads like the sword of Damocles, Sacramento hard rockers Lite Brite are playing their last gig under that name. They'll return early next year with a new album, new single, new video and a new name: American Killers. The video, for their song “Big City,” will be animated by Adam Avilla, who's created crazy-ass videos for Giraffage and Kurt Vile, among others. Helping them bid their old moniker bon voyage is Happy Fangs, the new band featuring Jess Gowrie (Red Host, I'm Dirty Too) and The Kelps. 1400 Alhambra Boulevard, www.facebook.com/americankillers.