Eight Gigs: Jody Wisternoff
Thu., May 19, 9 p.m., Badlands, $5-$15
Jody Wisternoff is very much a product of his hometown, Bristol, England. For as long as dubstep has been a thing, Bristol has been known for it. With his duo Way Out West, Wisternoff merged Bristol’s dubstep with classic club beats, becoming one of the biggest progressive house names in the United Kingdom. Though the ’90s-born group is still active, Wisternoff regularly tours solo as one of the founders of electronica label Anjunadeep. Being a Requiem Events production, expect a feel-good dance party with impressive sound and light shows. And being Requiem at Badlands, expect Jell-O shots. 2003 K Street, www.jodywisternoff.com.