Eight Gigs: Incantation

Mon., Jan. 12, 8 p.m., Starlite Lounge, $15

If you're a fan of underground death metal, you have no reason to miss the 25th anniversary tour of New York's Incantation. After countless lineup changes and many label changes, guitarist and vocalist John McEntee has remained the constant. I remember interviewing him after the group released its debut album, Onward To Golgotha, and being amazed by his unbridled enthusiasm and dedication to his scene. While the group's newest album on Listenable Records, Dirges Of Elysium, crushes nearly every death metal release in 2014, perhaps nothing has ever been as brutal as “Devoured Death” from Incantation's first album. Also on the bill are Funerus, Plague Widow and Mortuous. 1517 21st Street, www.incantation.com.