Eight Gigs: Homeboy Sandman
Fri., Feb. 5, 7 p.m., Sol Collective, $10
First and foremost, Homeboy Sandman is a writer. He taught writing among other subjects in New York City public schools for a while. Huffington Post and Gawker have published his work. And, of course, he writes hip-hop. Lots of hip-hop. The Stones Throw emcee’s lyrics are packed with artful wordplay and thoughtful rhymes, which makes him the perfect headliner for the ZFG crew’s first compilation release. The entire ZFG lineup—including Andru Defeye, Luke Tailor, Cam and SpaceWalker—will open the show in honor of its first-ever, collaboration-packed record, 8:08. 2574 21st Street, www.stonesthrow.com/