Eight Gigs: Ginuwine
Wed., May 25, 8 p.m., Harlow’s Restaurant & Nightclub, $30-$35

What kind of sorcery is Ginuwine’s legendarysingle “Pony”? So many kinds. It was a sex bomb to begin with when it came out in 1996, hitting middle-school and high-school dance floors across the country like a heat wave. Then there was the music video: Ginuwine and friends invading a less-than-progressive-looking honky-tonk bar and breaking down race barriers with pelvic thrusts. Then there was Magic Mike. And Magic Mike XXL. This song’s been a fever for 20 years and won’t be cooling down any time soon. R&B singer Karlos Farrar will be joining him as part of the Ice Kream Man Tour. 2708 J Street, www.facebook.com/ginuwineofficial.