Eight Gigs: G. Hum Parade
Fri., Feb. 4, 4 p.m., Southside Park, no cover

Always wondered what Stevie Wonder meant by “songs in the key of life”? The G. Hum Parade is an opportunity to get closer to that vibration and feeling. Everyone is in the band at the G. Hum Parade. They will also be belting out the G chord on whatever instrument they brought. It’s cacophonous and a little bit cathartic. Organized by Daniel Trudeau (pictured) of Pregnant, the parade is his way of silencing the horrors of 2016 and preparing for what may come in 2017. It’s about creating a din that mutes Trump and soothes the sorrow felt for those lost in the Ghost Ship fire in Oakland. 2115 Sixth Street, www.facebook.com/PREGNANT-245845248470.