Eight Gigs: Fred Eaglesmith
Sat., Feb. 14, 8 p.m., Palms Playhouse, $20

Valentine's Day is ultimately what you make it. For those who wish to not wallow in their own tears, seeing Canadian singer-songwriter Fred Eaglesmith could be the most solid choice you make this year. For nearly 35 years he's been releasing some of the best alternative country fare in the world. His following spans across the United States and he's become a household name on the underground country circuit after releasing the highly successful Lipstick, Lies and Gasoline in 1997. Fans of awkward humor alongside courageous, heartfelt ballads and heaping doses of honky-tonk need to see Eaglesmith, since he rarely makes it to these parts. 13 Main Street in Winters, www.fredeaglesmith.com.