Eight Gigs: Exquisite Corps
Thurs., April 2, 9 p.m., LowBrau, no cover

After a brief respite, Exquisite Corps plays its first show of 2015 next Thursday. Even better news: It's a free show at LowBrau, and the first of a new monthly residency that will continue the first Thursday of every month. Sure, LowBrau might be a bit of a concrete echo chamber, but that kind of suits Exquisite Corps' dynamic, anthemic walls of sound, which sometimes include a keyboard and couple of violins, but are more often just vocals, guitar, bass and drums these days—a straight-ahead rock sound with a tinge of psych-rock and blues. Check out the group's Bandcamp page (www.exquisitecorps.bandcamp.com) to listen to the group's excellent 2014 record Vignettes. 1020 20th Street, www.facebook.com/excorpsmusic.