Eight Gigs: Eric Bellinger

Wed., Jan. 21, 7:30 p.m., Harlow’s Restaurant and Nightclub, $18

Eric Bellinger's grandfather, Bobby Day, was most known for singing the classic tune “Rockin' Robin,” but he also had quite a successful career as a songwriter in the '60s and '70s—most notably for the Jackson Five. Like his grandfather, Bellinger floated under the radar as a songwriter, penning tunes for Justin Bieber, Jennifer Hudson and Chris Brown. But he's recently jumped into the spotlight and scored a few hits with smooth, emotive R&B songs like “I Don't Want Her” and “Focused On You.” He's still only 28, and could have a long career ahead of him. Fortunately, he hasn't produced a song so big that it will overshadow his entire body of work. 2708 J Street, www.iamericb2.com.