Eight Gigs: Dark Time Sunshine
Sun., March 8, 8 p.m., Blue Lamp, $10

Seattle duo Dark Time Sunshine blends classic drum breaks with burbling textured beds suggestive of the Postal Service. Producer Zavala's drifting synth melodies are the nightlight amidst the oft stormy soundscapes and crashing breakbeats raining down on rapper Onry Ozzborn's blunt sputtering flow. As a sometimes member of Grayskul, Ozzborn's recorded alongside Cage, Slug and Aesop Rock—whose DNA can be found in his literate, introspective rhyme. It's been three years since DTS' third album, Anx, though last year brought the upbeat free single “No Worries,” which sounds like Foster the People schooled by El-P in the chill room at the local rave. 1400 Alhambra Boulevard, www.twitter.com/drktimesunshine.